Friday, June 11, 2010

About Act 3's Progress and a Request (or whining?)

Sextoko is always related

About Act 3, now the progress reached, like, 80 % I guess, ignoring proofread (But I'll make sure to proofread it) and I will start working it again tonight maybe. The sprites are 98 %, but nearly all of them are poorly drawn (I can't draw, after all) so it will take a little courage to read this one. I hope Act 3 can be released this June. or at least July.

Now, moving on to my ranting, I had to ask IS THERE ANY GOOD ILLUSTRATOR OUT THERE? Man, sometimes my own drawing made me annoyed. I just nearly can't bear it anymore. So, please, out there, somewhere, someone who had decent drawings, and had some free time, don't mind about some little project, please contact me!

Cassiopeia Act 2 : Bloody Concerto

Bah. It's like half a year ago I released this but I forgot about this blog, so.... yeah. I'm going to post this, anyway.

Cassiopeia -Act2 Bloody Concerto
Continuing right after the escape from Hermes, Jowie and co. are still chased by police. As suggested by Smirnove, they went to search for help from Smirnove's friend. But to reach the place where help is waiting, they need to get trough Knights of Templar's barricade. Once again, Jowie's bravery is tested....

The story is kinda speeding up in this. So not much for selection and such. The drawing is horrible as always, so bear with it.
